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NYSSRS Virtual Annual Conference 2020

  • Saturday, November 07, 2020
  • 2020 Fall Conference ON-LINE ONLY this year
  • 106

Registration is closed

Dear Colleague,

 Due to coronavirus pandemic, this years fall Conference will be done virtually. Still it is hard to believe that our annual conference is fast approaching once again. This year  diverse  and informative array of topics presented by well qualified speakers will be conducted on-line.

I hope you plan to attend virtually and bring a friend!

We are making some changes to the most recent format to make the conference run more smoothly and accommodate concerns often voiced by attendees.

Our popular student contests will only include  the essay contest this year. The poster contest and the student bowl will not be possible this year.

We will also introduce our selectees for the Student Leadership Development Program sponsored by the ASRT.

Your board and committees work hard throughout the year to make the organization, and especially the conference with all of its activities, work for you.

We keep track of state issues and national trends that affect the Radiologic Sciences.

We invite you to volunteer to help with these efforts. Committee positions and committee chairmanships are available. Everyone has the capacity to help, do not be afraid to step forward. Participation is always appreciated. You can have a real voice in your profession.

You can also help our profession by becoming a NYSSRS member!

See you on line in November!


Dave Finaldi, President NYSSRS

If you prefer to mail in your Sponsorship Registration form & payment, download the form below:

Registration for 2023 Fall Conference Sponsorship Levels:

To register as a Sponsor, click on the dark blue "Register" button



Thank you in advance for supporting the Radiation Therapy and the Diagnostic Imaging Professionals of the RTANYS and the NYSSRS societies. See you November 2-4, 2023 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Schenectady NY!

 Member Support

New York State Society of Radiologic Sciences

P.O. Box 302

Centereach, NY  11720-0302

NYSSRS, Inc. is a 501 (c) 6 non-profit organization

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