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New York State Society of Radiologic Sciences



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Click here to visit the ACERT website    AERTSNY

Our mission is clear- to improve the quality of education among collegiate Radiologic Technology Programs

To advance the profession and science of Radiation Therapy 

All third party trademarks and logos appearing on this site are the property of their respective owners.

NYS Department of Health – Radiologic Technology Information and FAQ’s

Radiologic Technology Schools in NYS

Article 35:  Practice of Radiologic Technology, Public Health Law

Part 89 Practice of Radiologic Technology Rules by BERP

NYS Public Health Law, Section 225, Part 16

*NOTE:  While this is for the facility, some sections do answer questions that come up.

Below the link are a few of the most common questions.  Applicable to the facility, hospital or private NYS only. NYC has its own regulations.

Question:  Must my employer provide personnel monitoring?

Answer:  16.11  Personnel monitoring

Questions:  Who can order application of radiation to a human being (order exams)? Who can perform x-ray exams?

Answer:  16.19 Limitation on application of radiation to humans

Quality Assurance (QA) Information:

16.23 QA programs for diagnostic facilities

16.24 QA for radiation therapy

16.25 Misadministration

QA Guide for Large facilities. Over 2,500 exams/year

QA Guide for small facilities. Under 2,500 exams/year

New York State Society of  Radiologic Sciences P.O. Box 302

Centereach, NY  11720-0302

NYSSRS, Inc. is a 501 (c) 6 non-profit organization

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